This is a quick post to let you know that you do have a C.H.O.I.C.E. in having your relationship be more of how you’d like it to be, including more passionate and more romantic. Remember the following acronym and it may help and guide you:

C–Character: It’s about understanding my own character, flaws, strengths and buttons.

H– Humility:  An understanding that everyone needs to work together.  Knowing that everyone makes mistakes and no one person is better than the other.

O–Optimism: It’s about hope and remembering what attracts a couple to each other.

I– Integrity: If your fight was videotaped, would you be proud of how you acted?

C– Care of Self: Individuals need to take care of themselves to make themsevles better as a couple.

E– Energy: Understand what drains you and what you can do as a couple to build energy.


The C.H.O.I.C.E. acronym is part of the work of Sue Johnson, Ph.D., a highly renowned researcher of couples therapy working in Canada.

Remember, you ALWAYS have a choice!

Dr. Adam Sheck

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